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September 1st, 2016
Grijalva, Schweikert Lead Bipartisan Call to Fund Memorial for 2011 Attack Targeting Former Rep. Gabby Giffords

TUCSON – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) was today joined by Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) in leading 31 fellow Members of Congress in sending a bipartisan letter to President Barack Obama asking him to work with federal agencies to help identify and secure federal resources to assist the Tucson community create a permanent memorial for the victims of the January 8, 2011 attack targeting former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and her constituents.

The lawmakers’ letter envisions “a memorial that is not only a tribute to the fallen, but to the local and national response to a heartbreaking tragedy. It will be a place where visitors young and old can learn, not only about one horrific event, but about the resilience of a community and the durability of American democracy.”

“The January 8th Memorial is an important and necessary part of the Tucson community’s healing process,” Rep. Grijalva said. “We want to pay tribute to our neighbors who were lost that day, and to those who survived but will carry the scars and memories for the rest of their lives. But we also want to honor the solidarity that shone immediately here in Tucson and around the country. As Americans who pride ourselves on our differences, we can at times lose sight of our common cause. This attack, in all of its horror, remains a reminder that when it matters most, we are one people.”

“The January 8th Memorial is incredibly important to Arizona,” Rep. Schweikert said. “It pays tribute to the commitment that community always comes first!”

The full text of the lawmakers’ letter is available here.


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