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March 29th, 2016
Grijalva Reacts to Limited Financial Relief for Corinthian Student Debt

Tucson – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement after the U.S. Department of Education announced on Friday a limited path for relief of federal student loan debt for students who were defrauded at any of the 91 Corinthian College campuses nationwide.

“I am glad the Department of Education is helping to alleviate the financial burden for victims of Corinthian College’s for-profit scheme,” Rep. Grijalva said. “The fact that these students were preyed upon with false promises of a quality education and saddled with student debt in the process is utterly appalling. This callous and systematic manipulation of people who were trying to develop skills for good paying jobs warrants more than limited relief though. The Department of Education is asking students to apply for relief online, but that procedure is yet another barrier for individuals seeking justice. The Department of Education should use its legal authority to offer a class-wide discharge of all student debt related to any of the now defunct and discredited Corinthian Colleges.”


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