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November 20th, 2014
Rep. Grijalva Praises Executive Action on Immigration Reform

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement tonight in response to President Obama’s announced executive actions to reform our broken immigration system:

“Today marks a turning point for our nation. After a grueling journey that has both pained and united so many, we are beginning to turn the page on this chapter of our history. I am proud of President Obama for standing by his word, and standing with immigrant communities tonight. He has proven himself a devoted American leader. The actions he announced tonight will provide relief for millions of people who want nothing more than to be our fellow citizens and contribute to our society. The price of entry to the United States of America should not be severed family ties, exploitive employment, or the fear of deportation. These executive actions will help ensure that is not the case for millions of deserving people.

“The President’s actions are not all-encompassing – they are a strong starting point with clear opportunities to build from. He acted within the confines of the law, knowing that overreaching would bring legal challenges that could undo the entire effort. The result is historically significant and politically brave action that moves our country forward. I am confident that, in implementing these actions, the administration will do what is right and just to ensure our border communities do not unnecessarily suffer under the facade of security.

“Republicans who will undoubtedly attack the president’s plan must recognize that his actions are a direct result of the GOP’s lack thereof. But the relief provided by executive action is temporary and restricted in scope. This journey will endure until a permanent, legislative solution provides a humane and functional immigration system.

“This country was built on the hopes and dreams of people coming here in search of a better life. It was made great by the ideas and cultures they brought from every corner of the globe. Tonight, President Obama helped keep that rich heritage alive and well in the United States of America.”


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