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September 30th, 2014
Rep. Grijalva Honored as Champion of Children

TUCSON, AZ – Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) was honored today as the First Focus Campaign for Children’s 2014 Champion for Children. The award recognizes Rep. Grijalva’s advocacy on behalf of children in his capacity as a legislator. Rep. Grijalva released the following statement:

“I am honored to receive this 2014 Champion of Children award,” said Rep. Grijalva. “First Focus Campaign for Children is leading the charge to place kids above politics in our national discourse, and I’m proud to stand with them in this fight.”

Rep. Grijalva is a prominent advocate for the needs of children, from highlighting the plight of unaccompanied minors in an Ad Hoc hearing on Capitol Hill, to arguing for solutions to climate change as a moral obligation to those who will inherit the planet when we’re gone.

“This is not liberal or conservative – as legislators, parents, and as compassionate human beings, the next generation should always be a top priority,” Grijalva continued. “There is no policy that does not impact the lives of our youth, so it is our responsibility to consider their best interest in the laws we pass and the policies we set in place.”


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