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February 9th, 2012
Grijalva Earns 100 Percent From League of Conservation Voters For First Session of 112th Congress – Only Arizonan With Perfect Score

Washington, D.C. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva has been awarded a perfect legislative score by the League of Conservation Voters for his work in the first session of the 112th Congress. The full report card explaining the award, his votes, and the legislation he supported and opposed is available at

Grijalva is the only member of the Arizona delegation in the House or Senate to earn a perfect record. The entire state delegation’s record is available at

The first session of the current Congress, which spanned 2011, included his votes against allowing off-road vehicles in national forests (amendment to HR 1), in favor of a failed offshore oil drilling safety reform bill (HR 1229), against a bill to rush through the Keystone XL pipeline (HR1938) and against a proposed federal land swap to allow the unpopular Resolution Copper project to proceed in Arizona (HR 1904), among many others.

“The environment is not an afterthought, it’s not a commodity and it’s not for sale,” Grijalva said. “The last thing we need is a Congress willing to sell our public lands and public resources just because a lobbyist got a meeting with the right person. I’m as proud as ever of my environmental record, and nothing is going to change my conviction that we need to protect our open spaces and public treasures.”

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