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May 6th, 2011
On Military Spouse Appreciation Day, Grijalva Calls to Honor and Reunite American Military Families By Bringing Our Troops Home

Washington, D.C. – In recognition of Military Spouse Appreciation Day, announced by President Obama yesterday and officially honored today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva called for the reuniting of American military families and an end to our wars overseas as the most fitting tribute to the sacrifices of military spouses.

“There’s no better day for a military spouse than the day his or her family is made whole again,” Grijalva said. “Our country has been at war for nearly a decade now, and today is a day to remember and understand the heavy toll it’s taken on marriages, families, children and our social fabric. This is a time not just to appreciate military spouses but to bring their husbands and wives home. That’s how we make the most lasting positive impact on their lives.”

Nearly 6,000 U.S. soldiers have died in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars so far and more than 43,000 have been counted as wounded in action. Those figures dramatically understate the psychological effects suffered by uncounted soldiers who returned home with post-traumatic stress disorder or other debilitating conditions.

“A generation of American soldiers has been fighting overseas, often for years at a time on three or four consecutive deployments,” Grijalva said. “That’s been difficult not only for the soldiers – including the many parents whose children are growing up without them – but for their families and loved ones at home. Let’s make these a true day to show our appreciation by bringing those families back together.”

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