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February 22nd, 2011
Rep. Grijalva Will Hold Press Conference Feb. 23 on State and National Impacts of Republican-Passed FY11 House Budget Resolution

Tucson, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva will hold a press conference Wednesday, Feb. 23, at 10 a.m. in Tucson to discuss the state and national implications of the fiscal year 2011 budget resolution recently passed by the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. The event will take place at ZUZI! Theater located at the Historic Y at 738 N. 5th Ave.

The Republican resolution, which would fund government operations from March 4 until fiscal year 2012 begins Oct. 1, would immediately cut 3,441 Arizona children from Head Start and 55,000 Head Start staff nationwide. The resolution also cuts $1.7 billion from the Social Security Administration, closing the agency for one month of the seven remaining in the fiscal year and delaying benefit checks and responses to requests for assistance.

“I voted against this resolution because it doesn’t create jobs, doesn’t close the tax loopholes that damage our economy, and doesn’t make peoples’ lives any better,” Grijalva said. “Reducing our national debt shouldn’t be about inflicting the most pain on the biggest number of people for no good reason. This is an ideological bill that slashes government programs Republicans don’t like – there’s nothing thoughtful or considered about how they did the job. Southern Arizona, and the entire country, will be hurting badly if this bill becomes law, and voters should understand what’s being done in their name before this goes any further.”

The resolution must be approved by the Senate, which will debate and amend the measure this week. A vote is expected before the March 4 deadline, when the current law funding the government expires.

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