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March 5th, 2009
Congressman Grijalva Comments on Obama Health Summit

Washington, DC – Today, Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement regarding President Obama’s Health Summit and the release of a timeline for health care reform:

“We are seeing a lot of positive movement in Washington on health care reform. Today, Senator Max Baucus and Representative Henry Waxman put forth a timeline to pass health care reform through Congress before the August Recess. Tomorrow, President Obama will host a summit on health care reform. This health summit begins an important dialogue that should include all voices and all viewpoints within the health care debate. Specifically, I am interested in ensuring that the concept of a “single-payer” health care system is part of this dialogue.

“I am pleased that Representative John Conyers has been invited to the President’s summit and that he will represent the concerns of many of us who support a single-payer concept. Although Rep. Conyers will be the sole, supporting voice at tomorrow’s gathering, he will be a strong voice. His presence will ensure that all proposals are on the table, especially the single-payer concept, which has such tremendous community support.”

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