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February 8th, 2008
Grijalva Praises $6.9M Expansion Project for S. AZ Veteran?s Hospital

Washington, DC Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva is pleased to announce that the Veterans Administration (VA) has included funding in FY 2008 for a project that will benefit Southern Arizona Veterans.

The Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System (SAVAHCS) will receive $6.9 Million for their OR expansion project under the  FY 2008 Prioritized VHA Minor Construction Projects  account. 

“I am very pleased to see that Tucson VA Hospital will be able to expand their OR services,” Grijalva.  “This is due to the unprecedented increase in funds for our veteran  that was pushed through by the Democrats.  Congress prioritized our domestic needs by correcting the trend of the last seven years, and now our veterans will finally receive their due investment.”

The project is a part of the 5 year capital plan in construction projects submitted  to the VA for FY  2008. The VHA Minor Construction Projects account  received $509 million in FY 2008 from VA’s appropriation to enhance the quality of care provided to veterans.

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