Hello Friends,
I’m writing to let you know about an important hearing coming up on Tuesday, February 15th at 10:00 a.m. Eastern time. The Natural Resources Committee is advancing the Environmental Justice For All Act by hosting a legislative hearing on my bill to hear from experts and people who have been impacted by environmental racism and injustice.
Why Should You Care About the Environmental Justice For All Act?
- The Environmental Justice For All Act is a community-driven set of solutions.
- It is rooted in the moral principle that all people have the right to pure air, clean water, and an environment that enriches life.
- This bill addresses systemic environmental racism and could change the lives of every marginalized community.
- The goal of the Environmental Justice For All Act is to achieve environmental justice, health equity, and climate justice for all.
What does the Environmental Justice For All Act do? It will:
- Create environmental justice grants to fund research and programs that improve public health in environmental justice communities.
- Map out a just transition away from fossil fuels to support communities and workers as they transition away from fossil fuel-dependent economies.
- Strengthen the National Environmental Policy Act to strengthen communities in their fight against harmful federal actions.
- Require federal agencies to consider the cumulative potential negative health impacts of projects before they can be approved.
- Strengthen Title VI of the Civil Right Act so people have the power to fight against environmental racism and discrimination, overturning the Alexander v. Sandoval ruling.
This bill is unique. It was written by the people, for the people.
When Democrats took the majority of the U.S. House of Representatives in 2018, I brought together a group of environmental justice leaders to identify solutions to end environmental racism and injustice. I hosted a first-of-its-kind Congressional Convening on Environmental Justice at the U.S. Capitol and integrated 350 written comments from members of the public and leaders in the environmental justice movement into the final bill. The EJ community’s hard work and close collaborative partnership led to the introduction of the comprehensive Environmental Justice For All Act.
I hope you’ll tune in on Tuesday for the hearing and help us continue the people’s work to secure Environmental Justice For All.

Member of Congress