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June 28th, 2022
Rep. Grijalva Announces $13.4 Million for AZ-03 Community Funding Projects in House Appropriations Bills

TUCSON, Ariz. – Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva announced the inclusion of more than $13.4 million in funding by the House Appropriations Committee in the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 government funding bills for the 3rd District of Arizona. 

“From economic development and tribal infrastructure to youth programs and educational programs this latest funding for the 3rd District of Arizona broadly reflects the needs of our community,” said Rep. Grijalva. “As the appropriations process continues, I’m going to continue to fight to ensure that the needs and priorities of Southern Arizona are met.”  

The following projects are included:  

The City of Tucson’s El Pueblo Center Revitalization secured $2,747,000 to reinvigorate the El Pueblo Center site with a focus on children and youth, STEM and small business. 

“I am grateful to Representative Grijalva for fighting for critical investments in our community. The El Pueblo Center has a longstanding history as a gathering  place to promote social justice and community empowerment. This investment   will help make critical improvements to this important community asset and  ensure that it is a space where future generations can continue to gather and recreate.”  — Tucson Mayor Regina Romero. 

“The support and advocacy Congressman Grijalva and Congresswoman Kirkpatrick have given to Pima Community College and the City of Tucson’s partnership at the El Pueblo Center will allow the City and PCC to provide training and education to both high school students and adult learners.A critical component of a just and equitable economy is ensuring that all learners have an equal opportunity to access the skills and knowledge to acquire the jobs they need to support themselves and their families.   –Lee D. Lambert, Chancellor and CEO, Pima Community College 

The Higher Ground a Resource Center – Restart S.M.A.R.T. Program will receive $1,088,768  to support Restart S.M.A.R.T. school sites within Arizona’s 3rd Congressional District. These funds will be used for afterschool and summer school programming for youth, and research and developmentof individualized support for youth and families.  

“Restart SMART is a community school strategy designed to address the impact of the pandemic, trauma, and poverty in our school communities. Support from Congressman Grijalva’s office will fund multiple communities that were most impacted by the pandemic. This funding will help us organize school and community resources around student and family success. We support the students’ and families’ holistic wellness by providing wrap-around services and addressing all the non-academic needs that impact the school. Our data shows up to 80% improvement in student attendance, a significant reduction in negative student behaviors, higher parent engagement, and increased resource referral success rates from 10% to over 70% in school sites. “ — Jansen Azarias-Suzumoto, CEO/President and Co-Founder 

The City of Tucson’s Mission Manor Aquatic Complex will receive $2,947,000 to provide recreational opportunities in the form of a year-round therapeutic multi-use pool, splash playground, bathhouse, and plaza space in a low-income neighborhood. 

“Representative Grijalva’s support for the Mission Manor Aquatic Complex will bring relief to heat vulnerable and low-income communities on Tucson’s south side. Re-envisioning Mission Manor pool as an aquatic center that serves children, the elderly and those with limited access to cooling spaces is a prudent and forward-thinking investment in the face of climate change.” — Tucson Mayor Regina Romero

The YMCA of Southern Arizona will receive $810,000 to purchase six 14 passenger buses to transport children to ensure these youth have the educational enrichment support needed to thrive.

“The opportunity Rep.Grijalvaand theU.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development committee has provided us to purchase six 14 passenger buses to transport children to and from our Mulcahy City/YMCA, located in southTucson, will significantly impact our community. Support of our project will not only help us provide child care to youth in underserved communities but it will grow their confidence to succeed today and, in the future, as well as provide parents the confidence of knowing their children are receiving quality care while they are at work. How our community thrives in the future greatly depends on how we come together to nurture the potential of our children and families. We are very grateful for Rep.Grijalva, his staff , and all the Congress members on theHUDcommittee.” — Kurtis Dawson, President/CEO, YMCA of Southern Arizona 

The Tohono O’odham Nation will receive $1,016,459 for infrastructure projects for the construction of two turn lanes at the Baboquivari High School South Driveway, to address safety concerns created by increased traffic volumes and speeding in the area. 

 “Congressman Grijalva’s FY23 Community Funding request includes a vital transportation project on the Tohono O’odham Nation that will make it safer for students, families and staff to access Baboquivari High School. It will also enhance safety for all motorists driving past the school. The funds will be used to construct two turning lanes that would separate turning vehicles from through traffic, addressing safety concerns from increased traffic volume and speeding in the area. Limited federal funding for BIA roadwork has delayed action on this high priority project. The Nation urges Congress to approve this vital community project for the next fiscal year.” — Tohono O’odham Nation Chairman Ned Norris, Jr.   

The Sunnyside Foundation will receive $423,670 Sunnyside Foundation to begin the historical registry and restoration process for existing murals at El Pueblo Neighborhood Center, to create two new community murals at El Pueblo Neighborhood Center, to establish a community bike lending library for southside neighborhoods and to establish mobility services that include bike repair and safety clinics. 

“Sunnyside Foundation advances an intergenerational culture of learning by investing in projects rooted in courage, community, equity, and imagination in Tucson’s southside.From Our Families For Our Future; Community Reinvestment as Culture and Tradition will center families and youth as the planners and project managers for our reinvestment programs. The impacts of this project span across art and cultura, safety, mobility, equity, and economic reinvestment into the El Pueblo Neighborhood Center and Tucson’s southside. We will invest in both the physical and human infrastructure on Tucson’s southside. Sunnyside Foundation, Avenidas Inc., Familias Unidas Ganando Accesibilidad (F.U.G.A.), and community members care for our southside streets beyond the pavement and that will last for generations to come.”  

–Liz Soltero CEO, Sunnyside Foundation. 

The Pima Community College Downtown Campus will receive $1,000,000 in funding for the Pima Community College’s Building & Construction Technology (BCT) program to expand and enable the program to purchase equipment to expand into commercial and industrial HVAC and refrigeration competencies. 

“Congressman Grijalva and Congresswoman Kirkpatrick recognize that the Arizona construction industry is facing new challenges. Rapid technological advancements are accelerating the need for a highly skilled workforce trained in cutting-edge technology. This is particularlytrue in commercial and industrial HVAC and refrigeration,which is experiencing a nationalshortage of workers. Since training opportunities in these areas are not readily available, PCC will be one of very few colleges and technical schools able to more fully train and prepare students to start careers in the industry and to reskill/upskill technicians already employed in the industry. We can serve employers and strengthen our economy.” — Lee D. Lambert, Chancellor and CEO, Pima Community College 

Pima County will receive $1,200,000 to construct a storm drain to address stormwater flooding and drainage impacts in the underserved communities of Elvira and Barrio Nopal. 

The decision by the House Subcommittee on Appropriations to include Pima County’s El Vado Wash project is a testament to the tireless, collaborative efforts by all the partners, including residents of the neighborhoods downstream from Tucson International Airport, who will benefit greatly from reduced risk of flooding, improved transportation reliability, and the potential for additional open space.” — Pima County Flood Control District Director Suzanne Shields.

Pima County will receive $252,000 for the STEMAzing Project that will provide kindergarten and third grade teachers with the resources and professional learning they need to better meet the needs of the children they teach.  

“I’m honored to partner with Congressman Grijalva’s Office to deliver the Ninja Life Hacks Program by our STEMAZing Program. This program helps students develop much needed strategies for dealing with and recognizing their emotions. The books and curriculum provide social and emotional skills that will be useful throughout their lifetimes.” — Dustin J. Williams, Pima County School Superintendent 

The Pascua Yaqui Tribe will receive $862,813 for its Language Nest Program to support the independent tribal school system by training ten proficient Yaqui language teachers who will concurrently develop curricula and instructional materials that will innovate the way the Yaqui language is taught to a broader group of early childhood and K-12 learners. 

Jobs for Arizona’s Graduates will receive $167,700 to expand the reach of Middle to High School Transition services in the Tolleson and Avondale communities. 

The Tucson Indian Center will receive $588,059 for renovation efforts and equipment upgrades that will repair and replace much needed infrastructure.   

The City of Somerton will receive $380,000 for it Public Works Drinking Water Storage Facilities steel water storage tank repairs to ensure reliable delivery of safe drinking water to their service population. 

Prior to this announcement, Rep. Grijalva secured $725,000 for community funding projects in Nogales and Ajo, Arizona. In total, Rep. Grijalva has secured more than $14.2 million for FY 2023 community funding projects. A full list of the projects can be found here.  

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