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July 2nd, 2020
Rep. Grijalva Votes in Favor of H.R. 2, Highlights Major Infrastructure Investments to Benefit Arizona

WASHINGTON— Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 2, the Moving Forward Act, which will invest more than $1.5 trillion dollars in rebuilding America’s aging infrastructure while creating millions of good paying jobs.

“As our infrastructure crumbles in both urban and rural areas and our country faces the impacts of COVID-19, Congress is taking action to modernize our communities all while employing millions of Americans in good-paying jobs in the process,” said. Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva. “This legislation invests in urban areas and public mass transit, expands broadband in rural areas and in Indian Country, and invests directly in local communities. It also recognizes the threat of climate change and the disproportionate harm it has caused low-income communities and communities of color and ensures that we lay the foundation for the green economy of the future.”

The Moving Forward Act will:

  • Invest $500 billion in rebuilding our highways, railways, airports, and ports.
  • Invest over $130 billion in school infrastructure to modernize learning for students across the country.
  • Modernize our energy infrastructure by investing $70 billion to transform our electric grid and invest in renewable energy.
  • Expand access to broadband by investing $100 billion in efforts to close the digital divide in underserved communities including Indian Country.
  • Modernize postal infrastructure and pursue a zero-emissions postal fleet.
  • Address structural challenges and upgrade child care facilities by leveraging a 5-year, $10 billion federal investment to generate additional state and private investments in making sure that child care settings are safe, appropriate and able to comply with current and future public health directives.
  • Modernize the nation’s health care infrastructure by investing $30 billion to upgrade hospitals to increase capacity and strengthen care, help community health centers respond to COVID-19 and future public health emergencies, improve clinical laboratory infrastructure, support the Indian Health Service‘s infrastructure and increase capacity for community-based care.  
  • Invest over $100 billion into our nation’s affordable housing infrastructure to create or preserve 1.8 million affordable homes. These investments will help reduce housing inequality, create jobs and stimulate the broader economy, increase community and household resiliency in the face of natural disasters, improve hazardous living conditions and increase the environmental sustainability of our housing stock.
  • Protect access to safe drinking water by investing over $25 billion in the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and other programs to ensure all communities have clean drinking water and to help remove dangerous contaminants like PFAS from local water systems.

“Investing in infrastructure means investing in our communities and our workers?” continued Rep. Grijalva. “?This bill is a step towards building a strong recovery and an even more sustainable future.”


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