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Military Service Academy Nomination Application

U.S. Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva
Arizona Congressional District 7

"*" indicates required fields

(Full Legal Name)
Parent/Guardian Name*
Parent/Guardian Name
Physical Home Address*
Mailing Address*
Date of Birth*

Athletic Participation & Extracurricular Activities

If High School, indicate grade level.
Important details to note: Grade, Played Varsity, Position, Letters, Were you Captain, Awarded any honors?

Extracurricular Activities

Select All That May Apply
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular Activities


I have taken / am taking / am retaking the ACT & SAT
Date Taken*
List Academy Choice In Order of Preference*
Academies: Naval, Air Force, Military (Army) Merchant Marine
I am also seeking a nomination from the Senate/Congressional office(s) of:

Please Read Before Signing

Information guide available by visiting:
On separate pages, upload one page essays that answer the following questions: 1) Describe how attendance at a U.S. Military Academy will meet your career and personal goals? 2) Describe your extracurricular activities including honors, awards, affiliations, employment, special accomplishments, athletics, etc. 3) Why should the Congressman nominate you for such an exclusive opportunity?
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 256 MB, Max. files: 3.
    This is optional and entirely at your discretion
    Max. file size: 256 MB.