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April 9th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Condemns Leadership Crisis at DHS and the White House

WASHINGTON— Today, after numerous reports of a major agency shake-up at the Department of Homeland Security and the out-sized influence of immigration hardliner Stephen Miller in the White House, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“The leadership crisis emanating from an unhinged president in the White House has reached a breaking point in President Trump’s latest attempt to purge the Department of Homeland Security of individuals already hostile to immigrants, and replace them with those who fully embody his nativist views. With these individuals out of the way, noted racist Stephen Miller continues to encourage the president to wreak havoc on immigrant communities, asylum seekers, and refugees.

“President Trump and Stephen Miller are the real crises. Trump has threatened to close the border, defy court orders, and order Customs officers and Border Patrol Agents to break the law when processing asylum cases. Make no mistake, the race-baiting, turmoil, and atrocities caused by the Trump Administration’s immigration policies will only worsen as he continues using immigration to keep this crisis going and gain political points.

“Instead of Congressional Republicans’ faux outrage, it is long past time for them to condemn the actions of their party’s leader.”


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