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March 25th, 2019
After Attorney General Summary, Rep. Grijalva Demands the Full Release of the Mueller Report

WASHINGTON— Yesterday, Attorney General William Barr released his summary of the findings of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian interference in the 2016 Election. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“It is stunning that the Trump Administration thinks it acceptable to release a four-page summary of the report rife with ambiguity while declaring ‘total exoneration’ of any criminal activity. Make no mistake, this summary does not exonerate the President from criminal wrongdoing. While I appreciate the dedication of the Special Counsel’s Office over the past two years to answer the pivotal questions that strike at the heart of our democratic system, we have a right to know the full extent of the findings—free from any distortion from the president’s handpicked Attorney General.

“This summary appears to point to a possible obstruction of justice and raises important questions that warrant clarification. Congress and the American people must receive the full report. If it really exonerates the President, then he shouldn’t be scared to let people see it.” 

Rep. Grijalva has repeatedly demanded the full release of the Mueller Report to the American people and Members of Congress. Earlier this month he voted for a resolution to make the report public. During Attorney General Barr’s confirmation hearing, he sent a letter to Senators Lindsey Graham and Dianne Feinstein urging them to get a firm commitment from Barr to release the report. 


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