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March 11th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Praises Recent Court Decisions Demanding Accountability from the Trump Administration

WASHINGTON— Recently the U.S. Court of Appeals 9th Circuit ruled that immigrants can appeal expedited removal orders in the federal court system, ensuring that they have more chances to make their cases for asylum. In addition, another federal judge ruled that the Trump Administration is responsible for the separation of children from their families before the zero tolerance policy, allowing their inclusion in a class-action lawsuit against the Trump Administration’s ‘zero-tolerance’ policy. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“The Trump Administration’s immigration policies are a continual source of national shame, and it is critical that Congress and the courts continue to hold them accountable for the pain they have caused countless immigrant families. Thousands of children remain separated from their parents due to their actions, and it is the responsibility of the Trump Administration to reunite them immediately—no matter the cost.

“All asylum seekers fleeing credible violence deserve due process without falling victim to the Trump Administration’s extreme-enforcement agenda. While processes like expedited removal make it easier to deport people—including those with legitimate asylum claims—this latest ruling by the 9th Circuit ensures that these individuals can challenge actions made by rank-and-file immigration officers and receive the judicial review for their cases that they deserve.

“The time has long passed for the Trump Administration to take responsibility for soiling our national reputation, reunite the children it separated from their parents, and stop denying due process to asylum seekers. Any attempts to do otherwise are flagrant violations of the law.” 


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