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February 13th, 2019
Rep. Grijalva Leads Members of Congress in Letter to FBI Demanding Investigation into the Trump Organization’s Dubious Employment Practices

WASHINGTON— Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva led a congressional letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation urging FBI Director Christopher Wray to open a federal investigation into the allegations that the Trump Organization hired undocumented workers, helped them procure false documents, and presided over a culture of coercion and intimidation in the workplace. In the midst of the Trump Shutdown in early January, the Trump Organization subsequently fired numerous undocumented workers—despite many working for the company for many years. The letter read in part:

“The Trump Organization fired these hardworking employees—many of whom had worked there for over ten years—as President Trump shut down the government over a border wall that would supposedly keep undocumented immigrants out. However, he did not hesitate to break the law to employ them and exploit them for his own financial gain.

Nobody is above the law, and that includes the President of the United States. We respectfully ask that you conduct a thorough federal investigation into these dubious employment practices and the alleged criminal enterprise run by the Trump Organization as soon as possible.”

Click here to read the full letter.


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