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September 28th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Calls on Judge Kavanaugh to Withdraw His Nomination

WASHINGTON, DC— After the Senate Judiciary Committee heard testimony from Judge Brett Kavanaugh and Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s incredibly compelling testimony was delivered with courage and dignity. I applaud her for standing up for women and girls across this nation, and her testimony will undoubtedly help our nation turn a corner on a disturbing culture of mistreatment for survivors of abuse.  

“Judge Kavanaugh is clearly not worthy of a seat on the Supreme Court and should withdraw his nomination. Having already appeared to lie under oath in his past confirmation hearings, only an unjust society would give him the benefit of the doubt over women claiming abuse.

“I do agree with Judge Kavanaugh in one regard–this process is indeed a national disgrace. And the disgrace belongs entirely to Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans who are determined to push forward a tainted process, instead of allowing a full independent investigation to be conducted. Judge Kavanaugh’s enraged defense demonstrated that he believes people of privilege are above the law. He has no place on the highest court of the land and continuing with this process would mean sacrificing the integrity of the Supreme Court.”


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