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July 19th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva on Failed Gosar Attempt to Mine Ironwood Forest: Stop Attacking Public Lands

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Yesterday, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva spoke on the House floor in opposition to an amendment from Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) that would prohibit funding for the management of Ironwood Forest National Monument. The amendment failed to pass and will not be included in the Department of the Interior funding bill. If passed, the amendment would have essentially stripped Ironwood Forest of its current environmental protections and opened the land up to mining interests. In response to its defeat, Rep. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“I listen to the voices of my constituents, and they overwhelmingly support the protection of Ironwood Forest and recognize the cultural, historical, and recreational value it brings to Southern Arizona. I’m thrilled this amendment was defeated and that Ironwood Forest will stand as is for my constituents to enjoy. Instead of peddling the interests of the mining industry and making pathetic political points, Rep. Gosar should actually listen to constituents, stop overturning the will of the people of Arizona, and stop attacking public lands.”  

Click here to watch Rep. Grijalva’s speech on the House floor.

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