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June 28th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva on Justice Kennedy Retirement: ?The Future of Civil Rights is at Stake’

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Today, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva issued the following statement:

“Justice Kennedy’s retirement should set off alarm bells for anyone concerned about the integrity of our judicial system and the future of civil rights in our country. It provides an opportunity for President Trump and extremists in his administration to nominate a new ideologically-driven Supreme Court justice who will jeopardize the sanctity of the court, decades of progress, and hard-fought victories for reproductive rights, LGBT equality, and workers’ rights for generations to come.

“Mitch McConnell trampled on the judicial confirmation process and effectively stole a Supreme Court seat when he refused, for more than 10 months, to allow for the Senate to move forward with their constitutional obligations to consider President Obama’s nominee. I urge my Senate colleagues to apply the same standards to a Trump nominee and wait until January before proceeding with the confirmation process.  There is no justification to make it easier for a President currently under investigation for potential obstruction of justice to stack the courts in his favor. This will only serve to further polarize our courts and jeopardize important civil rights protections for millions of Americans.” 

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