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January 12th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Condemns Disgusting, Racist Remarks from President Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C.- Yesterday, in a meeting at the White House, President Trump reportedly referred to Haiti, El Salvador, and other African nations as ‘shithole’ countries sending immigrants to the United States. In response, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement:

“Disgusting remarks like these have become all too commonplace for this disgraceful president. With xenophobic, racist rhetoric spewing from the White House at regular intervals, Trump continues to poison national discourse on some of the most important issues facing our nation. Comments like these imperil our ability to reach any agreement on DACA, TPS, and common-sense immigration reform—but this is nothing new for Donald Trump.

“It should come as no surprise that a man who opened his campaign referring to Mexican immigrants as rapists and murderers or stating that African immigrants from Nigeria should ‘go back to their huts’ would not carry himself with the dignity that behooves the presidency.

“The individuals from the countries that Trump singled out in his despicable remarks are just as worthy of being included in our nation as those from any other country. No matter the bigoted character of his attitudes, statements, and actions, we will never hesitate to stand up for our values and defend the dignity of others.

“Republicans are at an important political crossroads, and they must make a decision on whether that will enable this abhorrent rhetoric, or stand up for basic human decency. Anyone—regardless of party affiliation—seeking to represent their constituents in Congress should condemn these remarks and reaffirm their commitment to serving all Americans, regardless of their national origin.”


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