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October 24th, 2017
Grijalva Reacts to GAO Report on Climate Change

WASHINGTON- Rep. Grijalva made the following statement after the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report outlining the potential economic consequences of climate change throughout the United States. Based on its findings, GAO recommended the Executive Office of the President to use this information in order to develop risk management plans to mitigate the unique economic risks that each region of the country is facing. The report finds that the extreme weather and fires that have hit our country over the last decade have cost the federal government close to $350 billion, with increasing costs expected in the future.

“While Trump and his Administration continue to curry favors to the gas, oil, and coal industry, climate change continues to cost American taxpayers billions of dollars each year,” said Rep. Grijalva. “Every action taken to safeguard our public health, boost our economy and protect our environment is under superfluous scrutiny and attack. Instead of continuing our global leadership and commitment to climate change mitigation, Trump has chosen to desert the Paris Climate Agreement making us one of only two countries to defect. Trump regards himself as a savvy and successful businessman, yet nothing is more short-sighted than divesting from a future-thinking, clean-energy economy that would support green jobs with good wages.

“This report should be especially alarming for Arizonans as it outlines the adverse economic impacts of higher energy demands, increased mortality rates, and decreased agriculture yields – which is of particular concern to my constituents in Yuma County. It is time for President Trump and his Administration to stop denying the facts, and to start working towards addressing the imminent consequences of climate change on the public health, environment, and economy of Arizona and across the country.”


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