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July 13th, 2017
Grijalva: TrumpCare Version 3.0 Is Still Deadly

WASHINGTON D.C. – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement in response to the Senate revealing a “new version” of their TrumpCare bill that includes an amendment by Sen. Cruz that would allow insurers to sell plans that do not meet ObamaCare benefit requirements if they also sell a plan that does meet those rules. This new version comes amidst a large pouring of opposition from the healthcare industry and constituents to the Senate Healthcare bill.

“The latest version of TrumpCare is still terrible plain and simple. It will rip way access to care for millions of people and raise costs for millions more,” Rep. Grijalva said. “Their bill still destroys Medicaid, it still throws seniors and the poor out in the cold, it still unravels Medicare improvements and it does all of this to provide tax cuts to the wealthy. By appeasing the most extreme members of their caucus, Republicans have once again proven that improving health care for Americans is not their true agenda. Their bill continues to serve one purpose only –catering to the powerful drug companies and the wealthy. Sadly, the cost of doing this will have deadly consequences. Instead of including non-starter amendments that makes their bill even worse, Republicans should slow down, take a step back and actually listen to their constituents. For Members of Congress like myself who have held healthcare town halls back in our districts, the message is loud and clear: dismantling the Affordable Care Act is unacceptable.”


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