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July 3rd, 2017
Grijalva: ?Election Integrity’ Commission’s Demand for Voter Information Confirms that Trump is the Boy Who Cried Voter Fraud

TUCSON, AZ – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement after President Trump’s “Election Integrity” Commission requested all 50 states to hand over sensitive voter information, including the names, dates of birth, and social security numbers of millions of voters across the country. The President formed the Commission in May after making unsubstantiated claims of rampant and widespread voter fraud throughout the 2016 Presidential Election.

“After his latest demand for sensitive voter information, it is now safe to say that Trump is truly the boy who cried voter fraud,” Rep. Grijalva said. “The only thing rampant and widespread in our elections process is Trump and the GOP’s efforts to suppress American voters. This level of voter suppression and intimidation by a sitting U.S. president is unprecedented and must be stopped immediately.

“Let’s call this demand by Trump’s so called ‘Election Integrity’ Commission for what it really is: another sad attempt to intimidate voters by invading their privacy. I strongly urge Arizona Secretary of State, Michele Reagan to refrain from handing over the sensitive information of millions of Arizona voters to a Commission that has already revealed its malicious intentions to the American people.”


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