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July 16th, 2019
After Introducing Bill to Fund Educational Opportunities for Students, Rep. Grijalva Speaks at Legislative Hearing on Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Act

WASHINGTON— Today, Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva spoke at a legislative hearing for H.R. 2414, which reauthorizes the Morris K. Udall and Stewart L. Udall Foundation Act. Since 1992, the Udall Foundation has awarded over $700,000 in fellowships and $8,000,000 in scholarships to passionate students and has provided more than 255 Native American youth with enriching internships in over 60 congressional offices. In addition, the foundation has introduced more than 3,000 youth to national parks and conservation programs through its Parks in Focus program.

“The opportunities that the Udall Foundation provides to youth, Native American students, and other individuals across the country is unrivaled,” said Rep. Grijalva. “Thanks to their work we are able to continue the Udall legacy by enriching the lives of youth with conservation values and keeping them informed about Native American issues. I’m proud to help that legacy continue by reauthorizing this important legislation.”

The original legislation created a trust and authorized the foundation to use the accrued interest to fund programs and scholarships for students engaged in environmental policy and Native American students. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-NM)  introduced companion legislation in the U.S. Senate.

“Today’s reauthorization is an important step forward toward ensuring that we continue educating our nation’s youth on environmental, health, and Native American policy,” continued Rep. Grijalva. “I look forward to this legislation moving out of committee and receiving bipartisan support in both chambers of Congress.”

Click here to watch Rep. Grijalva’s remarks during the hearing today.


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