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Press Release
May 14th, 2015
Grijalva Votes Against Reauthorization of Domestic Intelligence Gathering
May 12th, 2015
Grijalva Praises Senate Passage of his Bill to Honor Raul Hector Castro
May 12th, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Calls For Accountability on Immigration Enforcement Priorities
May 8th, 2015
Grijalva Congratulates Yuma International Airport for Honor of Arizona Airport of the Year
May 7th, 2015
Progressive Caucus Applauds Court of Appeals Ruling on NSA Collection of Phone Data
May 7th, 2015
Grijalva Praises Board of Regents Decision Allowing In-State Tuition for DACA Students
May 6th, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Congratulates Local Student Contestants in Congressional Art Competition
May 1st, 2015
Rep. Grijalva, Whip Hoyer, Caucus Chairs Urge Speaker Boehner to Bring Long-Term Surface Transportation Bill to the Floor
April 30th, 2015
Rep. Grijalva Accepting Applications for Fall Internships through August 7th
April 16th, 2015
Grijalva Introduces Bill to Support School Libraries