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April 21st, 2021
Chair Grijalva: Biden Administration Right to Pause Fossil Fuel Leasing on Public Lands – Equating Constant Drilling With a Strong Economy Isn’t Serious

Washington, D.C. – Chair Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Ariz.) released the following statement on the Bureau of Land Management’s announcement that it will not hold oil and gas lease sales on public lands for the second quarter of the year, pending the results of Biden administration’s ongoing review of climate policy: “The Biden administration is right to put fossil fuel leasing on pause while it finishes its review, just as anyone would do during any similar review period. Treating constant fossil fuel drilling as the benchmark for American economic success is no longer a serious position. President Biden is doing what the American people elected him to do and what our top climate scientists have said he should do. It’s time to clean up our environment and our economy, and if that means a brief pause on oil and gas leasing, then I’m all for it.”

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