Summer Program Opportunities:
This one-week program is designed for rising high school seniors who want to explore life at the U.S. Naval Academy. Participants will immerse themselves in the rigorous academics, athletics, and professional training that prepare the nation’s future leaders.
The Summer STEM Program offers rising 9th, 10th, and 11th graders a chance to engage in hands-on math and science activities with USNA faculty and midshipmen.
For more information: https://www.usna.edu/Admissions/Programs/index.php
Each year it is my privilege to nominate exceptional young men and women residing in Arizona’s 7th Congressional District to our nation’s service academies. The opportunity for a fully funded education and the high honor of attending a service academy make these nominations highly competitive. I hope all highly motivated students share my enthusiasm and will consider these fine opportunities for education and service to the United States.
If you are interested in attending a service academy, it is to your benefit to begin the application process in your junior year. This begins by your writing a letter informing me that you would like to be nominated to a service academy. Please specify which academy and if you are interested in more than one. There is no need to send a separate letter for each academy. For more information, and to determine which academy is right for you visit:
Criteria: Consideration for nominations will be given to American citizens who reside in Arizona’s 7th Congressional District who reach the age of 17, but do not exceed the age of 24, by July 1st of the year in which they seek entrance. Evaluations are based on the “whole person” concept and take into consideration your academic, leadership and physical abilities.
Nominations to the service academies will be made on a fully competitive basis. For each opening that is available to me, I will nominate up to ten applicants. The nomination of these nominees will be determined primarily by high school scholastic records, ACT/SAT test scores, and a personal interview with my committee. Qualified candidates will be notified at least ten days prior to the interview date.
Each academy will give equal consideration to the nominees following the receipt and evaluation of information derived from college entrance examinations, physical examinations, and a review of high school records. The individual academies will make the final selections and appointments.
Although you are applying for a nomination to one of the military academies, you should, at the same time, pursue an alternative goal and apply for admission to the college or university of your choice. You might also check into various ROTC programs available at many colleges and universities.
How to Apply
DEADLINE: End of Day (5:00 PM MST) on Thursday, October 31, 2024
Use the following GUIDE to help you as you begin the application process of seeking your Congressional Nomination. This guide has many answers for you.
Once you have thoroughly reviewed the guide and are now ready to submit you application to my office for consideration for a Congressional Nomination to a United States Military Academy you may do so one of three ways:
- Download the Military Service Academy Nomination Application and mail your full application, including essays and optional photo, to my office,
- Use the Applicant File Upload tool below to upload your full Military Service Academy Nomination Application including essay and optional photo, or
- Use the online portal below to submit your full Military Service Academy Nomination Application to my office.
Please contact Martha Gonzalez at (928) 343-7933 or by email at Martha.Gonzalez@mail.house.gov for questions regarding the 2024 Military Academy Nomination application process.