My office is excited to participate in the Congressional App Challenge. Every year, this nationwide competition allows middle and high school students from across the country to compete against their peers by creating and exhibiting their software application, or “app”, for mobile, tablet, or computer devices on a platform of their choice.
The App Challenge takes place every fall. Middle and high school students who live within Arizona’s Seventh Congressional District are welcome to participate in the App Challenge. Students may register as individuals or as teams of up to four, with no more than four students are allowed to form a team.
I’m proud to announce the winner for the 2023 Congressional App Challenge for 7th Congressional District, Karina Moreno Flores, an eighth grade student from Sonoran Science Academy – East. Karina was inspired to create the “SYOD” App to help herself and others structure and organize their day by creating plans to efficiently make sure of your time.
Information on the 2024 Congressional App Challenge dates will be announced Fall 2024
Every spring winning teams are invited to Capitol Hill where they showcase their apps to their Representatives at #HouseOfCode. At #HouseOfCode students get to see their apps displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building, meet their Representatives, and connect with other coders from around the country.
Visit the official Congressional App Challenge website for complete information on rules and eligibility.
In the meantime, should you have any questions about the App Challenge, visit the official Congressional App Challenge website or contact Luis Falcon at Luis.Falcon@mail.house.gov.
Check out these past AZ-07 Winners!