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March 5th, 2014
Grijalva Announces Open Entry Period for Students Interested in 2014 Congressional Art Competition – Submissions Due By April 9

Washington, D.C. ­– Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today announced the start of this year’s application period for the 2014 Congressional Art Competition. The annual event allows students in grades 7-12 to enter eligible pieces for consideration by Rep. Grijalva, with a winner chosen from District 3 to be recognized at a Washington, D.C., ceremony in mid-June.

Important dates for applicants include:

April 9: All participants’ artwork, along with a description and the Student Information Release Form, is due via e-mail in a PDF format to Consuelo Rios at

Mid-June Winners Reception in Washington:The winner will be flown with one guardian to Washington, D.C., for the official ribbon-cutting ceremony to see his or her winning art hung in the Cannon Tunnel of the U.S. Capitol.

More information, including application guidelines and release forms, is available at

Students should be aware of the following:

·         Entries must be made by students in the grades 7-12

·         Student must live in Congressional District 3

·         Artwork must be two-dimensional and no larger than 28” x 28” x 4” (including the frame) and cannot weigh more than 15 lbs.

·         Each entry must be original in concept, design, and execution and may not violate any U.S. copyright laws

·         Artwork will be hung in Cannon Tunnel for 1 year and may not be returned to the students earlier

·         Artwork must adhere to the policy of the House Office Building Commission

·         Accepted media for artwork are as follows: paintings (oil, acrylics, watercolor, etc.), drawings (pastels, colored pencil, pencil, charcoal, ink, and markers), collage, and prints (lithographs, silkscreen, block prints), mixed media (use of more than two medias), computer-generated art and photography

For more information, contact Consuelo Rios in the Tucson district office at (520) 622-6788 or

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