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May 18th, 2017
Grijalva Applauds Special Counsel and Moves to Force Vote on Independent Trump-Russia Commission

WASHINGTON – Amid accelerating revelations of President Trump’s attempts to shut down the FBI’s investigation of his campaign and administration’s ties to Russia, Rep. Grijalva yesterday joined a discharge petition to force the House to vote on bipartisan legislation establishing an independent, outside commission to investigate the Trump-Russia connection and possible collusion to interfere in the presidential election.  Recent polling shows 78 percent of Americans want an independent investigation.

“Recent allegations that Donald Trump pressured then FBI Director James Comey to drop an investigation into Michael Flynn leave the American people with one consequential question: What are Donald Trump and his White House trying to hide?” Rep Grijalva said. “If true, Donald Trump’s actions would constitute a clear obstruction of justice. We can no longer grant Trump any leniency or label his mishaps as part of ‘learning on the job.’ Despite claiming otherwise, we also cannot overlook that as head of his transition team, Pence knew about potential conflicts of interest involving Flynn. The actions of Trump and those closest to him are serious and are becoming increasingly destructive to the American people and with our standing in the world.

“We need to make sure that any obstruction of justice is dealt with legal consequences, regardless of which party holds office. While I praise the appointment of Former Director Mueller, the fact remains that Mr. Mueller will be in the chain-of-command of a compromised Justice Department. I remain adamant in calling for an independent outside commission that has no strings attached to the Trump Administration in order to guarantee an investigation completely free from potential meddling. A special counsel is an important first step, but we must ensure that the impartiality of our legal institutions is upheld.


“Speaking of impeachment in hushed terms isn’t an option anymore; given the accusations of obstruction of justice, conflicts of interest and collusion in election tampering with Russia, it is one of the legal consequences that Trump faces. As we try to untangle the cobwebs of Trump and his White House, we need to ensure that an outside commission is set up that will bring clarity, confidence and credibility back to our country.  


“At the end of the day, we are dealing with a president and a line of advisors who either do not understand the gravity of their actions, or refuse to admit of any wrongdoing. I don’t know which is worse.”



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