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August 6th, 2015
Grijalva Calls for Greater Voter Empowerment, Announces Community Panel on 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act

TUCSON, AZ – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement today marking the 50th anniversary of the Voting Rights Act.

“When Lyndon Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act in 1965, he was well aware of the tremendous consequences the bill would have for America. Johnson knew that it would bring equity to the long suppressed African-American community, notably forced to undergo unjust scrutiny through practices like literacy tests in order to exercise their right to vote. The Voting Rights Act secured the sanctity of the ballot box for every American for just about 50 years.

“However, two years ago, the Supreme Court’s decision to rip away protections from discrimination within the Voting Rights Act has brought unease to communities who have fought for these protections and still need them. The right-wing fear-mongering claim that there is credible voter fraud has led to the disenfranchisement of hundreds of thousands of Americans. Republicans are purposefully making it harder for people to vote and 50 years after the Voting Rights Act, voters – largely communities of color, the disabled and LGBT individuals – are being turned away from the polls, unable to participate in our democracy.

“It is not only past-time for us to renew the Voting Rights Act, but to also lay the groundwork for greater voter participation by making voting more accessible for every American. We must empower our voters making automatic voter registration the law of the land across all 50 states, providing an early voting period in each state, and allowing same-day registration as an option for hard-working Americans who should not be jumping hoops to vote. Voting is a fundamental right in this country – let’s end its barriers and restore justice now.”

Congressman Grijalva will host Keeping The Promise, A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act next Wednesday, August 12 from 9:00-11:00 AM at the Tucson YWCA on the Voting Rights Act, the promise it continues to hold for countless Americans, and the ongoing efforts to undermine that promise 50 years after it became law.

Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva
Community advocates

Keeping The Promise
A Community Panel on the Voting Rights Act

Tucson YWCA
525 N. Bonita Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85745

Wednesday, August 12
9:00 -11:00 AM

For more information, contact Cassandra Becerra at (520) 622-6788 or


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