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October 12th, 2010
Grijalva Congratulates Maria Elena Giner On Appointment to General Manager of Border Environmental Cooperation Commission

Washington, D.C.– Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today congratulated Maria Elena Giner on her appointment as General Manager of the Border Environmental Cooperation Commission (BECC), which oversees funding for water and other infrastructure projects on both sides of the Mexican-American border. Grijalva served as a reference for Giner’s application and said upon her appointment that he considers her “an excellent champion for the improvement projects our communities will need in the months and years ahead.”

The BECC works with the Environmental Protection Agency, the North American Development Bank and other entities in both countries to improve the quality of regional drinking water and wastewater systems. The organization is accepting grant applications for the current funding cycle until October 29 – more information is available at the announcement on Rep. Grijalva’s Web site:


“Ms. Giner is a proactive advocate for border partnerships and practical solutions to our region’s infrastructure needs, and I couldn’t be happier with BECC’s decision,” Grijalva said of Giner’s appointment. “I was proud to serve as a reference for her application, and I’m proud to call her a partner today in working to improve our public health and environmental record in the Southwest.”

Water infrastructure needs for the border region are well known to exceed available infrastructure grant funds, making prioritization of available resources critical in each funding cycle. Grijalva said Giner “has exactly the right background and awareness of the issues to help Southern Arizona and the entire border region, and I very much look forward to working with her.”

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