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September 9th, 2014
Grijalva: Cruz’s Contempt for Immigrants Should Not Dictate Fiscal Policies

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement today after Junior Texas Senator Ted Cruz advocated for another government shutdown fight in hopes of taking away deportation relief for eligible immigrants that came to the U.S. as children.

“Once again, funding for the federal government is under threat from the fringe right. And once again, the American people are being used as pawns to extract policy changes that can only be described as appalling and extreme.

“Ted Cruz’s demand to end DACA illustrates a lack of compassion for people who are vulnerable to deportation through no fault of their own, and who want nothing more than to continue contributing to the only nation they’ve ever called home. His threat to undermine our government if he doesn’t get his way demonstrates a recklessness that is flat-out dangerous for someone in elective office.

“The last time Republicans undermined our government, they caused a shutdown that lasted two weeks and cost our economy $24 billion. That was less than a year ago. Given that recent history, the American people have a right to know if Ted Cruz’s Republican colleagues stand with him in these threats. Does Speaker Boehner want a government shut down over the DACA program? Will Congressional Republicans follow suit when Ted Cruz votes to deny funding for programs that are vital to the American people? We all have a right to know just how far they are willing to chase the right fringe of their party off a cliff.”


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