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January 26th, 2012
Grijalva Encourages Public to Apply for Resource Advisory Council Vacancies to Provide Advice on Bureau of Land Management Policy

Tucson, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today encouraged public applications for membership on the Arizona Resource Advisory Council (RAC), which helps Bureau of Land Management officials set public land use policy. The state council currently has five vacancies in a variety of areas.

Each of the Bureau’s 29 RACs around the country consists of 10 to 15 members with an interest in public land management, often including conservationists, ranchers, outdoor recreationists, state and local government officials, Tribal officials and academics. Each RAC is designed to help the Bureau achieve its goal of managing public land for multiple uses.

This year, Arizona has two “Category One” vacancies, which are set aside for ranchers, energy and mineral developers, timber industry representatives, off-highway vehicle users, and commercial recreation enthusiasts; one “Category Two” vacancy, which is set aside for environmental organizations, historical organizations and wild horse groups; and two “Category Three” vacancies, which are set aside for elected officials, state natural resource agency staff, Native American Tribes, academic institutions and the public at large.

Nominees must be residents of Arizona and should demonstrate a commitment to consensus building and collaborative decision-making. All nominations should be accompanied by letters of reference from any represented interests or organizations; a completed background information nomination form; and any other information that speaks to the nominee’s qualifications.

For complete information on the Arizona RAC, visit or call (602) 417-9200. A nominating form is available at

Applications can be e-mailed to or faxed to the Arizona Bureau of Land Management at (602) 417-9398.

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