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November 18th, 2014
Grijalva Endorsed by 180+ Organizations for Ranking Member on Natural Resources
WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Congressman Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement thanking more than 180 conservation, labor, Latino, progressive and religious groups for jointly sending a letter to Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi endorsing him for Ranking Member of the House Natural Resources Committee:

“I want to thank everyone involved in this grass roots effort to support my bid for Ranking Member on the Natural Resources Committee,” said Rep. Grijalva. “Your voices are crucial to the policy debates that await us in the 114th Congress, and I’m grateful to have your support.”

The letter states in part:

A longtime supporter of conservation, Rep. Grijalva has been recognized by members of the House as a champion of core issues critically important to Latino, Native American, Western and progressive communities. When fighting for these cornerstone Democratic Party causes, Rep. Grijalva is known for his fair and open leadership that has earned respect within the committee on both sides of the aisle. We believe Rep. Grijalva will bring to the position of Ranking Member the positive and collaborative approach needed to find solutions to…critical environmental issues.

“The diversity of this coalition reflects the fact that we all have a stake in environmental protections, and we all face the consequences if opponents manage to undermine them,” Rep. Grijalva continued. “So many of these benchmark laws took generations to achieve – it is only fitting that Democrats have a leader as committed to protecting them as Republicans are to cutting them down. I will live up to that challenge, and partner with anyone willing work in good faith to keep Americans healthy and our natural treasures secure.”

The full text of the letter endorsing Rep. Grijalva can be viewed here.


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