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July 1st, 2013
Grijalva Expresses Deepest Sorrow and Sympathy For Families of 19 Firefighters Killed Battling Yarnell Hill Fire in Central Arizona

Tucson, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva this morning expressed his deepest sorrow and sympathy for the families of the 19 firefighters killed battling the Yarnell Hill fire southwest of Prescott, Ariz.

“Firefighters dedicate their careers to keeping the rest of us safe, and their bravery in the cause of protecting the public is sometimes taken for granted,” Grijalva said. “It takes more courage and professionalism than we imagine to face a wall of fire with nothing but a small shelter for protection. These nineteen men died protecting other families’ homes, doing what they believed in. Our gratitude for their efforts and our sorrow at their loss cannot easily be measured in words.”

Grijalva expressed his hope and belief that the people of Prescott and the surrounding area will remember the firefighters’ sacrifice after the fire has been contained.

“People call them first responders, but firefighters are often the only responders,” Grijalva said. “They are men and women just like us who choose to dedicate their lives to protecting others. The nineteen men killed yesterday will be remembered not just for the lives and homes they saved, but for their willingness to brave that risk knowing the dangers, just as all firefighters do. I and my office are ready to assist their families, and the others affected by this terrible fire, in any way we can.”

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