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May 1st, 2012
Grijalva Hails Housing & Urban Development Block Grants to Cocopah Housing Development, Gila River Health Care Corporation

Tucson, Ariz. – Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva today hailed the announcement of new Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) block grants to the Cocopah Indian Housing Development for $605,000 and the Gila River Health Care Corporation for $2.75 million through the Indian Community Development Block Grant program. The program provides competitive grants to assist in housing rehabilitation, infrastructure improvements, and commercial, industrial, and agricultural projects.

“These community grants are one of the best ways to make sure Tribes meet their housing, medical, and other needs each year, and I thank HUD officials for the good work they do in evaluating so many proposals with such care day in and day out,” Grijalva said. “Making sure we invest wisely to meet low-income housing needs, get children the health care they deserve, and help commercial projects get started and creating jobs, is a tough job done by dedicated people, and I join the Cocopah and Gila River communities today in thanking HUD for recognizing the need and the value of these grants.”

For more information about the Cocopah grant, contact Executive Director Michael Reed at (928) 627-8863. For more information about the Gila River grant, contact Director Nancy House at (602) 528-1456.

The Southwest Office of Native American Programs, which administers block grants in the Southwest, held an April 25 meeting in Albuquerque, N.M., for all tribes in the region to discuss how best to manage the forthcoming Congressionally mandated HUD study “Assessment of Native American, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian Housing Needs.” A national meeting is expected on June 17 in Lincoln, Neb. For more information contact Jennifer Stoloff in HUD’s Office of Policy Development and Research at or (202) 402-5723.

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