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June 18th, 2013
Grijalva Highlights Newly Open “Request for Proposals” Period for Sustainable Environmental Projects Along U.S.-Mexico Border

Washington, D.C. – The Border Environment Cooperation Commission and the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Region 9 U.S.-Mexico Border 2020 Program have announced a Requests for Proposals (RFP) for projects along the border that will help meet the Program’s environmental and public health protection goals. Eligible participants can learn more at

Region 9 includes Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada, and the Pacific Islands and encompasses 148 Tribal nations. A separate RFP will go out next month for Region 6, which includes New Mexico, Texas and several non-border states.

Local and state governments, educational and research institutions, community organizations, non-governmental organizations and Tribal nations can present proposals; for-profit institutions are not eligible to apply.

“Our southwestern border has some of the most unique environmental needs in the country, and this effort is important if we’re going to meet those needs,” Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva said. “Everyone with a stake in the outcome should apply to participate, whether through a small-scale program or a multi-state project. We’ll get better results the more we cooperate.”

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