WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) spoke from the House chamber today explaining his decision not to attend next week’s inauguration, and instead spend theday in Tucson with his constituents. Rep. Grijalva’s remarks are below and video of his statement is available here.
“Thank you Mr. Chairman. I rise today to tell my constituents that I will not be attending the inauguration of Donald Trump as our next president. My absence is not motivated by disrespect for the office, or motivated by disrespect for the government that we have in this great democracy. But as an individual act – yes, of defiance – at the disrespect shown to millions and millions of Americans by this incoming administration, and by the actions we are taking here in this Congress.
“The majority of voters rejected Trump. They deserve respect. The 20 million plus Americans threatened by the repeal of the Affordable Care Act without a replacement deserve respect. The millions who did not vote because they blame both parties deserve respect.
“I will be at home in Arizona, meeting with seniors, the immigrant community, folks that care about the environment and climate change, healthcare providers. [I will be] marching in Tucson with folks who will demand respect. I will be talking about the need to defend and protect the future for all Americans. Rather than participate in the inauguration, I will be participating in my district and reaffirming, and renewing, this democracy, and the people that are part of it.”