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January 13th, 2016
Grijalva Praises Obama’s Final State of the Union

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ), Ranking Member on the House Natural Resources Committee, released the following statement in response to President Obama’s eighth and last State of the Union address Tuesday night.

“At the close of Barack Obama’s final State of the Union address, it is clear that the lasting legacy of his presidency will be his strong effort to bring this nation’s politics and policies into the 21st century. From his ambitious call tonight for a cure to cancer, to reforming healthcare and Wall Street, to prioritizing diplomacy over war and joining the global community to address climate change, President Obama deserves praise for his efforts to meet the challenges of our time head-on. The speech tonight transcended the divisions of our time, invoking the American legacy of inclusion and equality over divisions among our people to define who we are as a people, and what kind of future we can forge.

“I was particularly pleased to hear the president focus, as he has for years, on the need for meaningful climate quality standards. Polluting industries and their flat-earth climate denier allies – in Washington and around the country – have tried to paralyze climate policy since the day he took office. I thank President Obama for his strong leadership in the face of their unprincipled opposition. Tonight’s speech was an important part of that leadership. Tonight’s call not to rest on our laurels – to take the important next steps we know need to be taken – should inspire and renew our sense of national purpose in tackling this threat.

“Part of Barack Obama’s legacy remains unwritten, and it falls to future presidents and Congresses to build upon his successes. I am proud of what he has accomplished for the American people, and will fight every day I have the privilege of serving my community to ensure his progress won’t be undone.”


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