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June 11th, 2014
Grijalva praises Tucson VA’s exemplary service, calls for others to follow lead

Following Monday’s report that the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System in Tucson passed a nationwide audit by the Department of Veterans Affairs, Rep. Grijalva commended the health system saying, “The Tucson VA is an example of the quality care the VA is capable of providing. While we work to address the nationwide crisis, we should look at Tucson’s achievements and recognize that rash efforts to privatize the VA could jeopardize a system that is worth saving.” 

The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) conducted an Access Audit to determine if allegations about inappropriate scheduling practices are isolated instances of improper practices or if broader, more systemic problems exist. The audit showed that 99 percent of Southern Arizona appointments were scheduled 30 days or under.

On June 5th Congressman Grijalva toured the Tucson VA campus and called their operations “exemplary”.


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