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March 24th, 2017
Grijalva Responds to Republican Failure to Pass TrumpCare

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-AZ) released the following statement today after Congressional Republicans failed to force “TrumpCare” legislation repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) through the House of Representatives. In an embarrassing blow to President Trump and Speaker Paul Ryan, who both staked their political capital and reputations on repealing healthcare reform, thebill was pulled from consideration because it lacked the support to pass. Despite last-minute concessions by the President and Republican leaders, they could not overcome reports from the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that 24 million Americans would have lost health coverage if this plan had become law.

“Donald Trump just asked House Republicans to walk the plank on healthcare with him, and they let him take the plunge alone,” Rep. Grijalva said. “While health coverage for millions of Americans is safe for now, it’s important to remember that Republican orthodoxy still views this outcome as a failure. We can’t lose sight of the fact that the GOP just tried to cut off healthcare for 24 million Americans to help cover $600 billion in tax cuts to the rich.

“The fact of the matter is the Affordable Care Act is working, and Republicans will face the wrath of the voters if they ever succeed in undermining it. The ACA covers seniors better than the GOP plan by protecting them from price-gouging, just as it helps women – and particularly women of color – by funding vital resources like Planned Parenthood. The American people fought for generations to secure healthcare as a right, and they just sent a clear message to Republicans that they won’t stand by and watch it become a commodity again.”

Grijalva has been a consistent proponent of the Affordable Care Act, and fought hard against efforts to undermine the law. In recent months, he has penned two op-eds (available here and here) and issued a statement highlighting the negative impacts of the GOP’s repeal plan in his district.


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