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May 10th, 2017
Grijalva: Special Independent Counsel to Investigate Trump/Russia Ties Needed Immediately
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Shortly before he was fired, former FBI Director James Comey requested more money and resources for his investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russian government. Congressman Grijalva reacted to Director Comey’s firing, as well as this development:
“The events leading up to and surrounding President Trump’s decision to fire Director Comey are deeply unsettling. This raises further questions about the President and his administration’s attempts to thwart all inquiries into its ties to Russia’s attempts to interfere in our democratic process and government,” Rep. Grijalva said. “The timing of Director Comey’s termination prior to the findings of any investigation – and after he requested more resources for it – is suspect, and Attorney General Jeff Session’s connection to the firing is equally troubling. Sessions was willing to lie under oath regarding his contacts with Russia, this level of deceit is unprecedented. Undoubtedly, this is an attempt by Trump and Sessions not only to consolidate all prosecutorial authority, but to undermine the objectivity of our federal institutions. 
“Whoever Trump picks to lead the FBI will not have the confidence of the American people to conduct an objective and comprehensive investigation into the President’s ties to Russian intelligence. My Democratic colleagues and I have long called for a special independent counsel because the American people need to know if their President has been compromised by a foreign power. Now, I call upon my Republican colleagues to uphold the values of our democracy and proceed immediately with an independent investigation. 
“I expect to see this sort of behavior in a tinpot dictatorship, but not in the United States. We owe it to the American people to openly investigate any wrongdoings and serve justice where needed.” ###
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Shortly before he was fired, former FBI Director James Comey requested more money and resources for his investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to the Russian government. Congressman Grijalva reacted to Director Comey’s firing, as well as this development:
“The events leading up to and surrounding President Trump’s decision to fire Director Comey are deeply unsettling. This raises further questions about the President and his administration’s attempts to thwart all inquiries into its ties to Russia’s attempts to interfere in our democratic process and government,” Rep. Grijalva said. “The timing of Director Comey’s termination prior to the findings of any investigation – and after he requested more resources for it – is suspect, and Attorney General Jeff Session’s connection to the firing is equally troubling. Sessions was willing to lie under oath regarding his contacts with Russia, this level of deceit is unprecedented. Undoubtedly, this is an attempt by Trump and Sessions not only to consolidate all prosecutorial authority, but to undermine the objectivity of our federal institutions. 
“Whoever Trump picks to lead the FBI will not have the confidence of the American people to conduct an objective and comprehensive investigation into the President’s ties to Russian intelligence. My Democratic colleagues and I have long called for a special independent counsel because the American people need to know if their President has been compromised by a foreign power. Now, I call upon my Republican colleagues to uphold the values of our democracy and proceed immediately with an independent investigation. 
“I expect to see this sort of behavior in a tinpot dictatorship, but not in the United States. We owe it to the American people to openly investigate any wrongdoings and serve justice where needed.”
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