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August 6th, 2009
Grijalva Statement on Confirmation of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor

Tucson, AZ—Today, the United States Senate voted to make Judge Sonia Sotomayor, the next Supreme Court justice. Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva released the following statement:

“Today is a historic day for so many individuals. I congratulate Judge Sonia Sotomayor on being named the 111th Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. I also, extend my congratulations to her family, who have been rewarded for their hardwork, dedication to justice, and achieved the American dream.

“Sotomayor’s nomination approval is historic; the third woman, first Latino, and most federal experience than any justice in the past 100 years.

“I would also like to thank the Senators that voted for her, evaluating her integrity, her record, her talent, and her vast experience. On the same point, I am disappointed to see the vote of the two Senators from Arizona, who decided to not look at her professionalism and commitment to the law.

“Unfortunately, our Senators decided to make this a political decision and not evaluate her merit and historic experience and her practice of making decisions based on the law, not politics or ideology. It is my hope that they do not continue that pattern of thinking of other issues that so highly impact Arizona.

“As a father, grandfather, and supporter of equity, I cannot show a stronger example of what opportunities are no longer limited based on your gender or ethnicity.

“I entered my political career, working for justice and equity for all. At the beginning of my career in public service, I never believed that this country would finally see a Latino Justice of the Supreme Court.

“Judge Sotomayor has had been the first in many situations in her life, but it is my hope that she is not the last—female, Latina, or highly qualified—to serve in this capacity and others.”

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