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March 24th, 2016
Grijalva Statement on OIG Investigation into Concerns Over Treatment at SAVAHCS

TUCSON – Congressman Raúl M. Grijalva (D-Tucson) released the following statement after confirming that the Department of Veterans Affairs Inspector General’s office will open an investigation into allegations of rescheduled appointments leading to longer wait times, high provider turn-over, understaffing that jeopardized quality of care, and retaliation towards employees who questioned practices at the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS) in Tucson. Grijalva is pleased the IG’s decision to open an investigation after what he considers to be an unsatisfactory response to a letter he sent on February 8th requesting answers and accountability for the allegations.

“Allegations of subpar medical care at the VA in Tucson are truly alarming, and I’m glad to see the Inspector General’s office is treating this matter with the importance it deserves,” Rep. Grijalva said. “Our state knows first-hand what neglect at a VA medical center means for the veterans who rely on it. I am disappointed at the VA’s response to my inquiry about the initial reports into this matter, and I hope the IG investigation will bring a higher level of professionalism and respect to the seriousness of this matter. After several meetings with past employees, hearing their concerns and calls for further investigations, I will push for this IG inquiry to be as thorough and transparent as possible. We must ensure SAVAHCS is delivering the care that our veterans deserve, and that is a safe and productive place for the medical staff to continuing doing their good work there.”

Rep. Grijalva’s February 8th letter to VA Secretary Robert McDonald is available here.


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