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January 11th, 2010
Grijalva Statement on Thursday Health Care Conference Call

Today’s call was productive in terms of allowing members to make their feelings known, and I was glad to hear that leadership wants the entire Democratic Caucus to work through the outstanding issues until we get them right. At this stage, the White House needs to understand what is at stake and must weigh in substantively on the major differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. Along with many others, I continue to feel that the House language provides better solutions to a wide range of problems with our health care system, especially regarding the public option and the creation of a national insurance exchange. Those and many other unresolved issues, including affordability mechanisms and insurance company oversight, will be discussed thoroughly over the next few weeks. As those conversations take place, I look forward to promoting the same publicly supported, money-saving progressive agenda that I have championed since this process began.

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