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Civil Rights and Liberties

Protecting the civil rights and liberties of all individuals is one of the most important responsibilities for Members of Congress, and one that I take seriously. While some are working to turn back the clock and undo much of the progress our country has seen in the past sixty years, I will continue to work diligently against all forms of discrimination whether in the voting booth, workplace, school, or in public accommodations. We must continue to protect the right to vote, ensure that women are able to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions, work towards closing the gender-pay gap, and limit the use of surveillance into the private lives of the American people.

More on Civil Rights and Liberties

September 9th, 2010
Grijalva Hails 9th Circuit Judgment For Raytheon Retirees Wrongly Denied Health Benefits
August 11th, 2010
Grijalva Urges FCC to Ensure Internet Providers Cannot Control What Consumers Access Based on Political or Corporate Preferences
August 10th, 2010
Grijalva Awarded “Best of Congress” by Corporate Voices for Working Families and Working Mother Media Based on Votes & Policies
August 4th, 2010
Grijalva Lauds Court Rejection of California Proposition 8 Ban on Gay Marriage, Highlights Finding That Law Has No “Rational Basis”