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Health Care

Our healthcare system is broken. Massive gaps in coverage disproportionately impact Arizonans, and a profit-driven system that puts the interests of powerful insurance companies between people and healthcare has exacerbated health inequities. It is unacceptable that millions of Americans lack basic preventative care and millions more are one medical bill away from bankruptcy. I support the incremental improvements of the Affordable Care Act, but we must take action to provide true universal coverage and a health system that puts the interests of people first.

More on Health Care

July 31st, 2011
Progressive Co-Chair Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva Statement on Emerging Debt Deal
July 29th, 2011
Grants and Grant Availability in Southern Arizona For The Week of July 29 From The Office of Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
July 26th, 2011
Grijalva Statement on President Obama’s Deficit Reduction and Debt Ceiling Speech and On House, Senate Grand Bargain Budget Plans
July 25th, 2011
Grants and Grant Availability in Southern Arizona From The Office of Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
July 22nd, 2011
Eighty Members Sign on to Progressive Caucus Letter Demanding No Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
July 20th, 2011
Grijalva Highlights State Cuts Affecting Yuma Area Unemployed, Contrasts With Federal Economic Contributions in Southern Arizona
July 19th, 2011
House “Gang of 70-Plus” to Senate “Gang of Six”: We Outnumber Your Plan to Slash Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security
July 15th, 2011
Grants and Grant Availability in Southern Arizona For Week of July 15 From The Office of Rep. Raúl M. Grijalva
July 1st, 2011
On 45th Anniversary of Medicare Passage Into Law, Grijalva Highlights Program’s Importance To Southern Arizona Families & Retirees
June 28th, 2011
Grijalva Sends Letter Signed by 42 Members of Congress Urging Federal Officials To Block Arizona, Other State Medicaid Cut Requests