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Immigration & Border

I believe that our diversity as a country is our greatest strength. Our very identity as a nation is rooted in our immigrant heritage, and immigrants are critical to both the cultural and economic vibrancy of our country. That’s why I am fighting for a process that keeps families together, provides refuge to the world’s most vulnerable populations, and attracts the world’s best talents to live, study, and work in the U.S. Instead of building walls, we should be prioritizing border management and efforts that modernize and expand our nation’s land POEs, which are vital to both ensuring the safety of our country as well as facilitating the flow trade. We must also stop the wasteful spending on a border wall that has devastated precious environmental habitats, militarized border communities, and destroyed sacred Native American cultural sites. 

More on Immigration & Border

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Rep. Grijalva Praises Court Ruling on 2020 Census
January 9th, 2019
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December 29th, 2018
Rep. Grijalva Statement on DHS Secretary’s Visit to Yuma